Blog & Recipes

Vitamin D im Winter: Wie Du Deinen Vitamin D-Spiegel für Muskeln und Gesundheit steigern kannst

Vitamin D in Winter: How to Increase Your Vitamin D Levels for Muscles and Health

In winter, vitamin D is particularly important for the muscles and the immune system. Find out how you can increase your vitamin D levels and why supplementation makes sense - for more energy, better regeneration and health.

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Motivation und Disziplin: Wie du „immer Weider“ machst

Motivation and Discipline: How to “Always Keep Going”

Motivation is the spark, discipline is the fire: together they are the key to achieving your goals. Find out how to overcome setbacks, establish new habits and stick with them in the long term. With the "always keep going" attitude, you will be able to master any challenge!

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Wie Kaffee deine Muskelmasse beeinflusst: Neue Studienergebnisse und praktische Tipps

How coffee affects your muscle mass: New study results and practical tips

Recent research shows that coffee consumption can have a positive effect on muscle mass. A study with over 8,000 participants found a significant correlation between caffeine and muscle growth, especially in the 30-49 age group. Learn more about the mechanisms behind this and how you can combine coffee and protein to get the best of both worlds. Discover our Milk Protein Coffee and other caffeinated products that not only provide energy but can also support your muscle mass!

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Motiviert ins neue Jahr starten: So erreichst du deine Fitnessvorsätze

Start the new year motivated: How to achieve your fitness resolutions

New year, new you? With these 6 motivational tips, you can put your New Year's resolutions into action! Find out how to stay on track.

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Krafttraining und EAAs: Wissenschaftlich bewiesene Synergien für Muskelwachstum und Performance

Strength Training and EAAs: Scientifically Proven Synergies for Muscle Growth and Performance

Discover how the combination of strength training and essential amino acids (EAAs) improves muscle growth, fat loss and strength performance. Study-based knowledge - read now!

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5 Tipps für eine fitte Weihnachtszeit: So hältst du deine Ziele trotz Festtagsessen im Blick

5 tips for a fit Christmas season: How to keep your goals in sight despite the holiday meal

Enjoy the holidays without regrets! Discover our 5 simple tips on how to stay healthy during Christmas, keep track of your fitness goals and still enjoy the holidays to the fullest.

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